
Monday, April 15, 2013

The Louvre museum in Paris

Largest museum of France, The Louvre Museum (Le Musée du Louvre in French) presents collections of western art from the Middle Ages to 1850, and the antique civilisations that have preceded and influenced this art.
They are divided into 8 departments : Oriental Antiquities, Islamic Art, Egyptian Antiquities, Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities and, for the modern period, Paintings, Sculptures, Art items, Prints and Drawings until 1848. In addition to these departments, the museum presents a section devoted to the history of the Louvre, including the medieval moats erected by Philippe Auguste in 1190.
21 new rooms have been dedicated to collections of Italian and Spanish paintings dating back to the XVIIth and XVIIth centuries.

Let's not forget, the ever so famous masterpieces: the Venus of Milo, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Mona Lisa of Leonard da Vinci, and so many others.

Venus of Milo - Paris Louvre
Venus of Milo - Paris Louvre
Open to all since 1793, the Louvre has embodied the concept of a truly "universal" institution. Universal in the scope of its collections, it is also universal in its appeal to some  6 million visitors every year!!
The Louvre, in its successive architectural metamorphoses, has dominated central Paris since the late 12th century. Built on the city's western edge, the original structure was gradually engulfed as the city grew. The dark fortress of the early days was transformed into the modernized dwelling of François I and, later, the sumptuous palace of the Sun King, Louis XIV.
The demolition of the Tuileries in 1882 marked the birth of the modern Louvre. The palace ceased to be the seat of power and was devoted almost entirely to culture. Only the Finance Ministry, provisionally installed in the Richelieu wing after the Commune, remained. Slowly but surely, the museum began to take over the whole of the vast complex of buildings.

 First stop in Paris for most art lovers is the Louvre, the largest museum in the western world. Originally the building was a fortress and if you go to the basement you can see the original walls which date from 1190. In the 16th Century it was turned into a Renaissance style palace which housed the royal art collection which consisted of a dozen paintings by such artists as Leonardo di Vinci and Raphael that had been stolen from Italy. The palace was expanded and renovated and was the home of King Louis XIV until he moved to Versailles and the place fell into disrepair, full of bums, bars and brothels. (Actually it must have been amazing during that period).The Louvre once again became the home for some of the royal art of Louis XIV and Marie Antionette shortly before their beheadings in 1793 when it held over 2500 pieces. Though originally only kings and royalty were able to view the art, after the French Revolution the doors were opened for everyone. It contains some of the most famous pieces in the world including the Venus di Milo, Mona Lisa, Winged Victory of Samothrace and the best collection of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian antiquities, and paintings from the middle ages to be found under one roof.
Unless you are a gifted athlete with a photographic memory that enables you to take in a piece of art in three seconds, don't even try to see the whole museum in one day. Make a mental list of the works you want to see and find them on the map and you will see plenty of other things on the way. You can always come back and you probably will.
The entrance is through the glass pyramid in the Cour Napoleon (Courtyard of Napoleon) which anyone who has read The DiVinci Code will be familiar with. Beneath the Pyramid is the Hall Napoleon, a 700 foot cavern which holds the ticket office, the excellent book store and the entranceways to all the exhibit areas. There are other bookstores in the different sections of the museum. Be sure to pick up a map at the information desk. You will need it. Guided tours are offered several times a day except Sunday and Tuesday. Expect to stand in line though the more off-season you go the shorter the line will be. You can also do aSkip the Line Tours of the Louvre and avoid the waiting. Otherwise, you can also buy tickets at Virgin Mega Stores and Paris Railway Stations. The museum is open daily, except Tuesdays and certain public holidays, from 9am to 6pm.
The Louvre is open evenings until 9.45pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. Tickets for the permanent exhibitions is 8.50 euros before 6pm and 6 euros after 6pm. You can also buy an admission package for 13 and 11 euros that gets you in to see all the temporary exhibitions as well as the permanent ones. There are group rates too. The museum is free on the first Sunday of each month. It is also free to young people under 18, disabled and the unemployed. To see if you qualify e-mail

The museum has the "Tourisme et Handicap" label for physical and mental disabilities, and hearing impairment. A special map shows disabled people how to move around the museum (18 lifts, 20 platforms). Totally practicable for people of limited mobility and acknowledged as such by the Parisian delegation member of the Association des Paralysés de France. Tactile space. Documentation in Braille. Visits-conferences in sign language are proposed each month for deaf people. 

Tel: 01 40 20 59 90;

Hopeful that informations helps you and HAVE A NICE TRIPS!!

L'arc de Triomphe (victory monument) Paris

On a slightly overcast morning me and my friends from the Netherlands prepares to drive around town paris, from troyes where my friend parked camper and stay for two nights, we decided to go to Paris city center by train, and our main goal is the Eiffel and around to see the uniqueness the town Paris, and one of them is Arc de triumph. let's go ..

In addition to the Eiffel Tower (the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Tower 'Modern' in The Middle 'Klasik' late 18th Century) Arc de Triomphe is a monument that became mascot and the pride of the city of Paris. Chaillot and is located in the first and last point of a very famous street, the Champs de Ellysee in the same city, Paris.

L'arc de Triomphe (victory monument) is in the form of the gate, facing the Champs Elysees, the luxury shopping district.
L'arc de Triomphe is a legacy of Napoleon Bonaparte and start up in 1806.
Construction of this monument is the concept of Napoleon Bonaparte to commemorate the French army services.
This monument is architect Jean Chalgrin, but he died in 1811 and the process was continued by Jean Nicolas Huyot.

The design is classic with materials a luxury indeed. Arc de Triumphe located at the intersection of 12th street, the avenue des Champs-Élysées as its main street and avenue de la grande-armee. the avenue Marceau, avenue d'lena, avenue Kleber, avenue victor hugo, foch avenue, avenue carnot, mac-mohan avenue, avenue Wagram, avenue de Friedland, and avenue Hoche.
According to the literature I've read, this monument 51 meters high and 45 meters wide. Arc de Triumph is a 'gateway' city of Paris, as well as a place of pilgrimage and wreath laying, the monument is indeed a concept of Napoleon Bonaparte to commemorate the services of the French army.

wowowowo Indeed, Arc de Triumph, the pride of the French monument can truly be the 'pride', not just the story behind it, but the design and workmanship are very artistic and beautiful.

after our bus ride from the Eiffel special for tourist, suddenly rained and the roof which was originally open on the bus we were riding should be closed and that means we can not take the picture perfectly. pity :(

But to see all beautiful places around gave us satisfies..

and what about you? are you interest? to get more informations about Paris,please click here!


History and Documentation of the Eiffel Tower

This is the place I most wanted to visit and I dreamed in my life, and when I was here displayed an amazing sight for me, and it arbitrarily because my friend who also wanted me to visit the Eiffel Tower.Thank you so much my friend.. :)

Okayy we go to the point of the eiffel Tower history..

Built within the framework of the World Exhibition week and the celebration of the French Revolution, the tower with the flag fluttering at its peak was inaugurated on March 31, 1889. Despite harsh criticism and protests from residents of Paris and intellectuals during its construction, the metal structure is a symbol of Paris, attracting over 6 million visitors each year.

Project Leader: Mr. Gustave Eiffel was assisted by, among others, the engineers Maurice Koechlin and Emile Nouguier and Stephen Sauvestre as an architect.

Plan the project began in 1884. Despite all the above obstacles, Development of the tower began in 1887 and was completed 26 months later in 1889. The planned tower will be torn down after the Universal Exhibition of 1900. However, the success of the radio transmission experiments were controlled by the French Army before the restoration was finally saved the Eiffel Tower.

Materials used: steel iron cross linked in the form of 18,038 seeds fortified with 2.5 million nails. The framework of the work of Gustave Eiffel's windproof and although mainly of iron, heavy towers only 7,300 tons.

Height: From the ground to the flagpole, height 312.27 meters in 1889, is now 324 meters with antenna. Currently, various French television companies to install their antennas on top of the Eiffel Tower.

Paris is owned by the Government and managed by a private company, "Société Nouvelle d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel", the iron frame is renovated every 7 years and painted with 50 tons of paint. Renovation work if workers manguasai alpinis and acrobatic sports.

Lighting: "Iron Girl" is illuminated with 1000 watts and 352 projectors sengah flashes every hour at night with 20,000 bulbs and 800 light disco.

In order to make the tower seem more alive, 4 laser xenon lamp 6000 watts power rotates permanently on top of the tower.

Number of stairs: 1665 ladder for visitors who love sports. There are 2 lifts that go up to the second level where they can find many souvenir shops.

okay .. hopefully helpful for you and the one thing i wanted to suggest if you want to get around to all side of the paris city, it helps you to use a special bus tour de paris, the bus will take you to all interesting places and so much more to see..and you will never forget your the most amazing experience.

if you want more informations about paris,please click here!


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris

Yes Notre-dame paris, cathedral so majestic and full of history is very appropriate for the purpose of your visit in this fashion trend center city in the whole world.
but one thing you need to know before entering this building is to first read the rules, especially the first set your camera to not use a flash light because the rules here are very tight,because with a flash light on the camera allows the destructive elements of color in the objects displayed .
Just imagine if hundreds of people a day who snapped objects displayed there..must be will influence of the element in each objects ,yes its reasonable :)

The cathedral is a starting point if you are visiting Paris. The building is located between the two sides of the river, built during the Middle Ages. Its construction started in 1163 and completed in 1334. Dirsmikan the choir in 1182.

History: All political and religious events celebrated here; first Te Deum after the victory Philippe August, Giving Crown of Thorns brought back by King Louis, the first opening of the Etats GENERAUX by Philippe Le Bel.

History of the cathedral started from this period., A French one. From the 17th and 18th centuries, Notre-Dame welcomes all important events to celebrate the victory of King and funerals. funeral services.

To complete the wish of King Louis XIII, Louis XIV replace gothic choir with baroque style.

Celebrated Bastille attacks with a Te Deum, then the revolutionaries cut off the head of the famous statue and also that of the King Gallery. When Napoleon's coronation on June 2.

December 1804, Notre-Dame Cathedral, which almost collapsed, hidden behind a layer of gold and boo-dependent.

This building from demolition after a campaign diselematkan fter Victor Hugo by Viollet-Leduc kembali.Arsitek construction that handles supervision restoration that lasted for 23 years from 1841 and 1864. Cathedral holds the largest organ in France.

And that's part of the history of the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris,
If you are interested and would like more information click here!



In this country feel the atmosphere of my first experience of snow zero degrees Celsius, because I came to this country in October so almost no snow in the European hemisphere, yes of course October is autumn in Europe but I was lucky because I was able to see and touch snow hahhaha..funny and I am very grateful to my friend from the Netherlands who is very enthusiastic and took me to austria.
Landlocked country in central Europe put a small Austrian mountains. Famous for its spectacular scenery and beautiful lakes, it is ideally suited to be orientated holidaymaker outside who want to escape from modern day lifestyle is hectic.

Bordering 8 other countries including Germany, Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic, Austria has a friendly atmosphere and a network of well-managed tourism, making it easy to get around and see the beauty this country has to offer.
Past Austrian culture as a European power and cultural environment has resulted in a broad contribution to various forms of art, notably among them music. Austria has been the birthplace of famous composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Johann Strauss, Sr., Johann Strauss, Jr. and Gustav.

Composer of the eighteenth century and nineteenth drawn to the city due to the patronage of the Habsburgs, and made ​​Vienna the European capital of classical music. During the Baroque period, Slavic and Hungarian folk forms influenced Austrian music. Status Vienna began to rise as a cultural center in the early 1500s, and focused around instruments including the lute. Ludwig van Beethoven spent most of his life in the national anthem Vienna.Austria 's current, attributed to Mozart, was chosen after World War II to replace the traditional Austrian song by Joseph Haydn.

Among Austrian artists and architects one can find painters Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele, and Friedensreich Hundertwasser, photographer Inge Morath and architect Otto Wagner.

Mozart city salzburg
Salzburg as the holy name for many people who love music because it is where he was born. Mozart is a great composer in the 18th century. It is surprised to know that Salzburg enjoys travel per-capita ratio higher even than Venice or Florence.

Salzburg is located in the center of Austria, on the banks of the Salzach River, at the northern boundary of the Alps. Therefore, the climate here is cold and damp. However..there is music to keep you warm hehehe..

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mozart is the most influential composer during the so-called ~ 1750-1820 Classical Era '.
Its impact is overwhelming and profound. Beethoven completed early in the shadow of Mozart, and Joseph Haydn wrote that "posterity" will not see such a talent again in 
100 years
Mozart's talent has shown in his childhood in Salzburg. He began writing songs at the age of five when he was well on the piano and the violin and performed in front of the European nobility. During those years, he traveled and created many works. Later, in 1781, he searched for a better development in your career and go to the capital Vienna. In Vienna, he achieved fame but are struggling to survive due to lack of financial support. It is still a mystery talent early death at the age of 35 years, which is a great pity to the world of music.

During his entire life, he has composed about 600 pieces of works, among which the most famous and recognized is the pinnacle of symphonic, concertante, chamber, piano, operatic,
and choral music.

The Sound of Music Mozart addition, Salzburg also has a relationship with ~ the sound of music ', one of the world's most popular musicals and famous.

If you prefer to take a vacation, especially to ski, you can do it even in the summer with the help of a beautiful Austrian glacier. One of the most famous glacier is one of the Stubai Glacier Stubai Valley. This can be seen even from the road and can be a tremendous view even for non-skiers. Another perfect place for summer skiing in Kaprun glacier and is pasterze Glacier, which unfortunately decreased in size in recent years. And if you're interested in things bigger than the biggest glacier in Austria is for you Hintertux glacier.
only one that needs to think about when planning your vacation that nature is always perfect in every season. And I can assure you that one of the best places to go and see it was Austria. Do you like skiing, hiking, view from the top of a high mountain or just relaxing in the sun on the shores of the lake are all there just for you.And I've proven it with my best friend!
Do you need informations all about Austria for your holiday? please click here!



Ötzi (pronounced [œtsi], or Similaun Man is the name of human mummies were preserved naturally derived from 3300 BC (53 centuries ago). [1] The mummy was discovered on September 19, 1991 at Schnalstal glacier in the Ötztal Alps, near Hauslabjoch on the border between Austria and Italy. mummy name comes from the Ötztal (Ötz Valley), where he was found. Otzi mummy preserved human is naturally the oldest in Europe, and also has given further knowledge about Europe in the Age of Copper. Agency and goods Otzi's possessions now in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, northern Italy.


When Helmut and Erica Simon from Germany were doing the climb in the Alps. When they're skiing, suddenly Erica accidentally fell and plunged his feet into a basin. Helmut was trying to help Erica and finally successfully removed. But then they found a figure "corpse" in the hole basin. Originally, the "corpse" is considered a "new body" as some of the bodies were often found in the region. They immediately contact a supervisor. Inspectors assisted by several mountains which the police immediately lifted the corpse. But because the process is done with the body removal using a hoe, it has inadvertently resulted in the thighs and buttocks "corpse" was destroyed. After successfully removed from the pile of snow, "corpse" was exhibited to the public. Many of the tourists who take rips clothes and knick-knacks as souvenirs. The body was then taken to a morgue in Innsbruck.
Only in a few hours later, forensic experts then come to the site. Through a bit of analysis, it transpired that the apparently "dead" are thought to be very old. The bodies are then to be taken seriously by archaeologists. It turns out "corpse" that is "dead" oldest ever found considering its age is estimated to have more than 5000 years. Researchers from the University of Camerino from Italy indicate that environmental factors as well as the luck factor is the main determinant.
The next survey in October 1991 showed that the "bodies" were found at 92.56 meters from the regions of Italy. incidence area of ​​Italy (46 ° 46'44 "N 10 ° 50'23" E). [2] In 1998, the "corpse" was later displayed in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano, Italy.

Otzi equipment

Inside the backpack there are some mushrooms Otzi birch. Apparently, it is a fungus of medical equipment because it contains antibiotics that are effective against bacteria, including tuberculosis bacteria. This fungus is also considered a panacea in ancient Greece. On his death, Otzi carrying a bow and a bag full of arrows. Although he brought a dozen arrows, only two are ready for use. Dart sac has also been damaged. Archeologists found Otzi're fixing it. He is also frequently involved in fighting ketch. Seeing his condition, he had made a dangerous journey across the mountains. Unfortunately, the journey that he never completed. Otzi clothing also showed that it originated from Neolithic cultural complex. Clothes suitable for harsh conditions and altitude of the Alps. Otzi wearing fur hat, fleece jacket covered grass weatherproof coat, knee-high leather boots covered with grass as insulation.

Otzi Body Parts

Examination of Otzi teeth showed severe damage to the teeth. He may take the grains of coarse gravel and wear their teeth as tools. Otzi fingernails indicates that he often doing menial work. A DNA analysis also proved that he is prone to severe disease. Perhaps, that's what caused him to lose against bad weather that froze to death. During the autopsy, the organs in Otzi diperksa. All in good condition but blackened lungs. Apparently, he is often inhaling smoke from a fireplace.

Bone Loss

Tattoo images found on the body of Otzi. The signs are located in areas known to suffer from bone loss (spine, right knee, and ankle). Apparently, the tattoo is a way of treatment for pain relief. According to the popular belief about the treatment of people, tattoos can help reduce pain in joints and muscles.

DNA and Powder Sample

Not long after Otzi was found, rumors circulated that Otzi just sheer nonsense. The rumor says that Otzi only Egyptians or South America are planted in Otzal Alps. However, DNA tests proved that he actually came from Northern Europe. Powder samples from Otzi equipment helps us identify the provenance. The sample proved that, indeed Otzi came from Vinschgau, lined valley of Meran, Italy, to Switzerland.

Scientific analysis

Otzi has now been widely studied, measured, X-rayed, and recorded. Tissue and intestinal contents have been examined microscopically, as have the items found with the body. In August 2004, the former three frozen bodies of dead soldiers from Austria-Hungary at the Battle of San Matteo (1918) were found in the mountain San Matteo in the Trentino region of Italy. The body was sent to the museum in hopes of research on how the environment can be affected by preservation will help to find out about Ötzi in the past and in the present that has evolved.

For those of you who want to visit Bolzano, make sure you do not miss this historic city, besides beautiful also a lot of interesting stories and amazing place.
from my experience there for two days was still not enough to enjoy the beauty of the city and its history.
I guarantee that you will not regret it and will not forget this city for granted.

I hope the above reviews provide benefits and providing information and inspiration for your holiday


 For more informations about Bolzano please click here!!

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Italy has long been known for his romantic towns of interest to visit. One is Verona. This city is one of the few major goals recommended when you visit Italy. If you ever watched the movie Letters to Juliet, maybe some parts of the city is no stranger to you. The film was made in this artistic city.

Verona is currently evolving into a city that combines the feel of a classic that depicts the story of "Romeo and Juliet" as well as the nuances of modern Italian city. In this city, several annual fairs, shows, and operas held regularly.


Although fiction, the story of Romeo and Juliet's love is able to make this city famous. Because of the story, Verona ranks fourth in the list of cities in Italy are most frequently visited. House of Juliet is one of the many interesting objects which visitors. Courtyard, the balcony and the area near the bronze statue of Juliet is an interesting spots to take pictures with friends.

House of Juliet

Verona is about 2 hours drive from the city of Milan. Verona is important both in terms of history and economics, in connection with its strategic location geographically. For the ancient Romans, Verona is the ideal place to rest before continuing the journey across the Alps. Roman ruins are found in this city.

Corso Porta Borsari

Another place you can go is Piazza Erbe which is the market square of Verona. Since Roman times, people used to gather in this place. Until now the usual locals relax in Piazza Erbe, start the evening with an aperitivo (a type of alcoholic beverage). Piazza Erbe is widely available in bars and restaurants with very good quality. Dinner at the restaurant in this area is not a bad idea. After dinner, you can enjoy the beautiful views of the city pavements are wide enough.

Piazza Erbe

Verona is the ideal city to visit with friends. However, that does not mean the city is not so interesting if you visit without a partner. The sides romantic can still be enjoyed despite himself. If you go to Italy,you must visit Verona!!


For more informations about Verona click here!

Friday, April 12, 2013


Castle Provins, south of france is a building and the village are very old but still maintained its purity, is recorded in the 11th century, and is surrounded by a wall around the border area and very majestic.

This was a time I stopped in there, and it was a fluke because I do not plan to get there and suddenly I saw an amazing sight on the hill.Our vehicle/camper is equipped with automatic directional machine and we change direction instantly and certainly makes the engine was very noisy as we headed toward that do not fit with the main goal, but we immediately shut off the engine or automatic directional GPS, and headed straight toward the hill.

after arriving at our gate manually pay parking the price of 2 euro, and we immediately parked close to the tourist information office, and we immediately took the catalog, after that we seemed to enter the time machine goes back to the 11th century. It was the most amazing scenery.

there we found a lot of things about the human civilization to the 11th century, from the design of buildings and everything else up their equipment at that time, was somewhat unique and modern though in the 11th century.yes smart peoples!!

And if you want to go there, do not worry there are plenty of adequate restaurant with a variety of European foods from simple to luxurious, and a place to relax a lot lined coffee shop and free internet get around the whole area provins public transportation is also available as a mini train at an affordable price.

And if you've been in paris, set your GPS and location of Provins is in southern backpacker Prancis.dan if you please your reservation in advance in the area of ​​Provins.

Maybe you are interested to try going back to the 11th century. and I'm sure you will not be able to forget the memories of this place.

HAVE A NICE TRIPS!!! for more informations click here